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Culture in a gift box

I would like to thank to Frederick van Ouwerkerk.

Senior lecturer culture and tourism,
NHTV International University Breda, Netherlands

She gave me the idea Edutainment for Tourism Marketing about with her lectures while I was in BISS ( Baltic  International Summer School ) by Vidzemes University , Latvia.


In this work, I will mention about the effects of Edutainment and Visitor Management to Tourism Marketing.

There are plenty of  given examples about Edutainment, Visitor Management and Tourism Management. Additionally there is a given case study connection to Tourism Marketing using the Edutainment  which made in BISS ( Baltic International Summer School ) , Latvia, by Vidzemes University.

I am giving this case study with no change, because I was in this summer school and I am using this topic  having some ideas from BISS when I was in this summer school.


In this world it is hard to come up with an original gift now that prosperity has increased to the extent that the population’s primary needs are met. The only thing people generally lack is time.

Time is a scarce commodity, so it makes a great gift.

Instead of a book token, people give each other a voucher for a wellness weekend, a high tea,a package holiday or for instance a balloon ride.

The voucher in the box gives the time and also the authentic, unique, social experience to slow down and get inspiration and fun, the consumer is looking for. It is time you have to spend on yourself- because after all, it’s a gift.

From the point of tourism, this development appears interesting as a method to manage and spread visitor flows. This idea can be a good idea for tourist marketing also to make people having holiday,even in winter time.
From the point of culture, it appears to be a change to generate more and different visitors especially at the smaller regional museums. It can also be a way to expand the tourist season, attract visitors for instance in wintertime.
Last but not least it is also a change to stimulate cooperation between tourism and culture, a way of filling the gap.

1.Characteristics of tourists

By definition a tourist has to spend the night somewhere. He comes voluntary in his free time, which is a scarce item as is shown above. Most of the time it is a social activity, people want to share their experiences and memories.
Tourism is about attracting people and earning money. It’s an economy.
In the first place a tourist comes for the 7 Segmentations: sun, sea, sand, snorkeling or snow, sex, sangria, slow.
In the second place a tourist comes for specific nature or culture.
Culture has always been an important motivation for tourists to go to a special destination.
Culture can make the difference in a global village, it is unique, authentic and aesthetic and distinct.
For the last 10 years or so cultural tourism is booming.

2.What is Visitor Management?

Visitor management is;

  • To maintain and preserve authenticity of cultural and natural heritage for future generations, whilst appealing to the suppliers, the regulators and the consumers.
  • To create environmental awareness,communication and interpretation.
  • To manage and spread visitor flows.
  • To attract more and new visitors.
  • To spread them in time as well.
  • To create mindful visitors.
Tourist are looking for challenging, unique, authentic, distinct place to go.They want to have a unique experience.They want to have pleasure.They want to have their dream become true.

They also want;
  • Feeling of being welcome
  • Good accessibility
  • Parking facilities
  • Functional public transport
  • Attractive shops
  • Appealing landscape
  • Outstanding catering
  • Excellent facilities
  • Inviting interpretation
At this point visitor management is an important segment for marketing. Because, Tourism is about selling dreams.

Visitor management focus on;
  • Focus on authenticity and quality
  • Preserve and protect resources
  • Make sites come alive
  • Find a fit between the community and tourism
  • Collaborate
2.1.How Can Visitor Management Use as a Marketing Tool?

To take people attantion to the place and not to damage from the crises,these questions can help to companies for their marketing strategy.
The questions are;

  • What is the spirit of the place?
  • Why is this place so unique?
  • How do we get this across to our visitors?
  • Who are our visitors?
  • How can we challenge them to come?
  • What experience we have to offer?…vs.
2.1.a.Key word is : UNIQUE

U=The visit should challenge the visitors to look at the world around them from a new perspective, make them wonder about marvels of the world around them

N=The visit should make the visitors curious, the visit should stimulate the visitor’s imagination

I=The visit should be inspiring; should stimulate and provoke visitors

Q=The visit should be a qualitative experience, a strong emphasis on service and customer care

U=The visit should lead to a better understanding of the relevance of the site,visitors should leave the site with new insights and experiences.

E=The visit should touch the visitors emotionally, it should touch their hearts.

Some examples:


This place has an old and interesting story which takes people’s attantion to go there.
All houses in Cappadocia were built cowering the stones.
It means that each of the houses are a cave,even the hotels in Capadocia.
There are also balloon tours for tourist.And this is really unique.

2.1.a.2.Pamukkale, Turkey

Pamukkale, which means ‘’cotton castle’’, is totally made by nature.No human affect.
Tourists also have chance to learn the culture.

3.Educational tourism

Nowadays also educational tourism has become a trend. People are looking for experiences to move the spirit, to develop the mind and to get inspiration and to have fun.

Within the cultural sector, people want to share and spread their knowledge of that culture to generate understanding for its importance and significance.

But be aware of the tourist gaze: “it’s so postcard!.

Educational tourism is a guided, social activity in quality time. This voyage of discovery to another time must then, provide an experience.

This is what the visitor wants and will gladly pay for. Quality is very important. The guest pays primarily for memorable experiences.

A memorable experience is generally also a unique experience.

Unique can be described as

Uncommon, it should be entertaining, keep in mind they visit the place in their leisure.

Novelty, it should raise curiosity; provide a new experience, a new insight.

Inspiring, it should be provocative and stimulating

Quality, it should be customer- and service oriented.

Understanding, it should lead to a profound understanding of the collection.

Emotions, it should evoke emotions and be a moving experience.

In addition to a memorable experience, the visitor wants to learn something about himself in relation to the destination. He wants a personal development experience. In the experience economy this is called transformation.

This is something the visitor is even more prepared to invest in than a memorable experience. From the perspective of culture, where by definition there is a strong emphasis on education, and from the perspective of visitor management this is an interesting fact. It gives edutainment a very important role.

Louvre Museum, Paris

Louvre museum is one of most visited in the world.This museum give the challenge to learn when they are looking at Mona Lisa or while getting around in the museum.


Entertainment = entertaining, having fun
Education = reducer to lead someone from one point to the next.
Edutainment = to learn something in your free time in a funny leisure way. Because
people want to learn, not because they are obliged to do it.

Educational Tourism is ;

  • To move the spirit
  • To develop the mind
  • To get inspiration
  • To have fun
Educational Tourism means;
  • Social activity
  • Quality time
  • Guided: it doesn't matter in what way
4.1.Edutainment Tools for Tourism;

Water Ball
Step Aerobic
Dance courses for Customers in holiday destinations.
Dart Game
Beach Volleyball….vs. and lots of others.

In tourism industry, the most important thing is marketing and of course customer satisfaction.

While using edutainment in tourism market, most used tools are;

  • Destination
  • Sea
  • Sun
  • Sand
  • Entertainment
 Therefore, while touristic industries, hotels , marketing their products, they use these tools to affect people.
Some example advertisements are given below;

An other perspective of Edutainment of using  well known people for Tourism marketing.
While people are having their holidays, they can also leave the culture and history.They can have a unique and unforgettable experience. More than ‘’Sea,Sun, and Sand ‘’ concept.
Also an other viewpoint for Tourism.
As example;

4.1.a.Salzburg , Germany

Mozart  had lived in this city.It’s famous for Mozart and history.
Unfortunately this city isn’t known by most of people.Because tourist marketing is not used fort his city.However the city has the potential for tourism.Because there are thousands of people in the world who is fan of Mozart.

4.2.b.Firenze , Italia

Firenze was the capital of rebirth in old days.This city was a good example for the all others for the value of ART.Art and culture were really important for people in Firenze.

The leaders of rebirth

  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Michelangelo
  • Raphaello
Famous Gothic masters

  • Arnolfo di Cambio
  • Giotto

Famous sculptors

  • Ghiberti
  • Donatello
  • Luca della Robbia
  • Benvenuto Celini
  • Giovanni da Bologna
  • Dante Alighieri, had lived in Firenze.
A visit to Firenze is a good opportunity to have holiday and learn history.

4.2.Companies Used Edutainment in their Business and Marketing

4.2.a.White Hutchinson
         Kansas City, Missouri, USA / Doha, Qatar

Middle East Leisure Project Experience

Their company has been working in the Middle East and Arab world since 1998 when their first conducted a feasibility study and prepared preliminary designs for a children's edutainment center in Doha, Qatar.

Since then, they designed and produced LouLou Al Dugong's, a children's play & discovery center in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and have worked on the feasibility and design of other projects in the Middle East in Al Ain and Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.; Sana'a, Yemen; Manama, Bahrain; Kuwait City, Kuwait; Amman, Jordan; Kuwait, and Riyadh and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; as well as in the Islamic country of Morocco in its capital city Rabat and in Beirut, Lebanon.

Some of their projects about edutainment are;

·       Jeddah, Dhahran & Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – Smart Kids (Abcarino) children's edutainment and enrichment center.

·       Manama, Bahrain – feasibility and preliminary design of a 3.700 square meter children's edutainment, entertainment and enrichment (play & discovery) center that includes a discovery play garden and rooftop zero-depth spray grounds (spray pads).

·       Doha, Qatar – mixed-use mall type project with retail, restaurants, cinemas, children's edutainment and enrichment, family entertainment, amusement, bowling, ice skating, a party and celebration center, hotel and indoor water park.

·       Doha, Qatar – market and financial feasibility and concept plan for a children's edutainment center.

According to the company,The Middle East, and especially the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries of the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman, is undergoing rapid growth and expansion with many new entertainment and leisure projects. Different than projects in Dubai that target the tourist market, most of their projects are designed to target the local Arab population.

Unlike many design and consulting firms who sell Middle Eastern clients standard Western design solutions, they prided their selves in their practice of not literally exporting Western designs and concepts for their Middle Eastern projects. Instead, they took pride in being culturally sensitive and custom designing projects to meet the needs, tastes, values and customs of the Locals.

For most of their projects, they undertook extensive ethnographic and focus group research with mothers to understand the local area's unique culture, including its traditions, customs, values, and traditions of leisure, so we can design the projects to maximize their appeal to the local residents. Our staff has worked with many ethnic groups and Islamic cultures, and is culturally competent to recognize and respect the unique attributes of Arab and Islamic cultures and design a project that is appropriate and respectful to that culture.

A number of their projects are actually designed to help preserve local culture and traditions.

5.A Case Study About Using Environment Awareness about Tourism Marketing

5.1.Case Study of Purvitis House , Latvia , Valmiera

For Tourism marketing in Purvitis House, Environment Awareness used as a marketing tool.Also edutainment is used as a tool in Purvitis House.

Purvitis House is a house of a painter.His name is Vilhemls Purvitis. Vilhelms Purvitis was born in 1872 on the farm Jauzi in Zaube. He is the most famous and well-respected landscape painter, creating a school of nature painting. His vision and his ideas about environment awareness are still alive.
His interpretation of environment awareness is translated into his paintings.The beautiful nature inspired him to be the foundation of the Latvian landscape art. In this way he has created or can create environment awareness to the people of Latvia, so that they realize how beautiful their nature is and to create the willingness of the people to preserve the environment they live in.

5.2. How do They Tell Their Story ?

„ From the life of W. Purvitis you can learn how to work, but from his work you can learn how to live!” (Kurt Fridrikhson)

Purvitis is one of the founders of Latvian National Art Gallery, while his own recognition was gained abroad in such art-oriented cities as:Paris, Lion, Munich, Stockholm, Vienna, Copenhagen, London and many other famous cities.

One of the biggest recent achievements of work of W. Purvitis is that his work „Ziema” („Winter” ) three years ago (2007) represented Latvia between all other European Union countries in the celebration of 50 the anniversary of signing Roman contract which took place in Italy, and officially was opened by the president himself

The story of Wilhelm Purvitis is being told by many people nowadays – art curators, artists who have gained inspiration and technical skills by studying his work and technique and cultural history experts, but one particular way how the story of this amazing and inspiring artist is being told is through his house. the walls literally talk in this situation! 

Vilhelms Purvitis House is located in a place called “Vecjauzi”, in Zaube and is opened to everyone interested. The first floor is mainly left as it has been originally, but a little bit renewed, because of a leaking roof and some other sanitary problems.
The house is old (more than 150 years old),so it is quite normal that it need repairing.

The vision of the house is, the house is “for everyone by everyone” – everyone who visits can make their own opinion about it, make closer or more distance relationship with this unusual place and also leave something behind – a painting, a message, a craft work of some kind or simply plant the new potatoes and help the owner maintain the original atmosphere of the place.

5.3.Touristic Value of Purvitis House

The Purvitis House absolutely fits the concept that mention in the above subject „It is so postcard!”

The area where Purvitis House is in a good area for Camp Tourism and Summer school for children.Also the area can be really adorable for nature lovers.

Edutainment used by the owner for advertisement. When people came for a visit to house, they can learn something while they are enjoying the nature.The house is also used as a hotel.There are 10 – 15 beds to sleep at house.

Marketing tools used in house is;

·       Nature

·       History of the House

·       Art

·       Edutainment

·       Visitor Management , to make people come to house.

6.Conclusion of The Work

As I mentioned in my work, Edutainment can be a useful tool for Tourism Marketing.

Especially, for the rural tourism for develop tourism activities. Edutainment is also good  for the growth of children.Because, if a place use for education, like teaching the history of the places , it will not be as boring as school.

Because, people are generally get bored, if the things turned into a lecture.So using edutainment in tourism is a good opportunity to teach cultures.

Culture tours can be a example for using edutainment in Tourism industry.

The summer camps are also an example.

As a reason, using of Edutainment , Visitor Management  and Environment Awareness are good opportunities for advertisement. Especially, when the awareness is getting and getting more important in these days.


BISS ( Baltic International Summer School, August 2010) Lectures about Edutainment by FREDERIKE VAN OUWERKERK
Senior lecturer culture and tourism,
NHTV International University Breda, Netherlands

Case Studies of BISS, August 2010, Vidzemes University College, Latvia

Biss Case Study from candidates.


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